Finalists – 2009

Kilroy: Wireless Marine Conservation Change Agent

Honorable Mention: Kilroy: Wireless Marine Conservation Change Agent

Ocean Research & Conservation Association (ORCA)

Edie Widder Ph.D., Eric Thosteson Ph.D., Keith Paglen, Kelly Johnson

Low-cost, real-time, wireless, water monitoring devices; first ecosystem-based water quality and wildlife monitoring system to supply continuous water quality data that can track environmental toxins, including red tides; invasive species, and watershed pollution that threaten public health, fisheries, and other ocean resources.

Project site:



D-Tree International

Dr. Neal Lesh, Gayo J. Mhila, Brian DeRenzi, Jonathan Jackson, Prabhjot Singh Dhadialla, Dr. Marc Mitchell

Software application that runs on mobile phones to help manage, plan and report for field workers; uses J2ME code that can run on a wide range of Java-enabled phones.

Project site:



University of California at Berkeley

Dr. Ruzena Bajcsy, Allen Yang, Edmund Seto, Posun Yun

End-to-end solution of non-invasive wearable motion sensors and bio sensors to monitor patient’s activity and information. Wireless vital body sensor network system for patient monitoring for patients with heart disease after they are released from hospital care.

Project site:

Frogtek: mobile tools for micro retailers

Frogtek: mobile tools for micro retailers

Columbia University

David del Ser, Garrett van Ryzin, Margaret Pearson, Ray Fisman

The innovation is a mobile business tool that offers accounting and inventory management to poor shopkeepers in the developing world. Our software, which runs on Android phones, can track all the transactions that take place in a small shop using a touchscreen and a barcode reader. The information gathered is processed to provide business recommendations to the users, who also benefit from educational content that can spruce up their business skills.

Project site:

Mobile GHG and Air Quality Monitoring

Mobile GHG and Air Quality Monitoring

Clinton Climate Initiative of the Clinton Foundation, in partnership with Vanderbilt University

Scott A. Muller, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Akos Ledeczi

Monitoring system that utilizes available GSM network and vehicle mounted sensors to cover a large area effectively to obtain critical, real time, geospatial information on concentrations of green house gasses and air pollutants in urban environments.

Project sites:

Wireless Grids SEED

Wireless Grids SEED

Syracuse University

Lee W. McKnight, Michelle Kaarst-Brown, Craig Watters, Ed Lipson, Kevin Lair, Ed Bogucsz

Wireless grid software technologies used to manage an innovative urban farm (greenhouse). The project centers around the problem and opportunity of socially managing neighborhood greenhouses, using a variety of new innovations—new biomass heating system; new sensor systems; new materials—all coordinated by new wireless grid application to maximize community benefits.

Project site: