NETRA is an inexpensive mobile visual testing tool, which is a clip-on eyepiece for mobile phones that can instantly screen for eye conditions and transmit data to an optometrist, allowing for early treatment of common refractive eye disorders and cataracts. more

SMART Diaphragm
SMART Diaphragm is a wireless monitoring and early-warning system for high-risk pregnancies that can be cheaply and easily administered by a patient. more

CoolComply is a solar-powered wireless detection system that monitors the doses and the temperature of the medication, relaying readings via wireless to the local healthcare workers to track treatment and intervene when necessary. more

Meet the Winners
2011 Winner NETRA Ramesh Raskar team member 2011 Winner NETRA Vitor Pamplona team member 2011 Winner NETRA David Schafran team member 2011 Winner SMART Diaphragm Larry Rand team member 2011 Winner SMART Diaphragm Mozziyar Etemadi team member 2011 Winner Cool Comply Kristian Olson team member 2011 Winner Cool Comply José Gómez-Márquez team member

From Wired to Wireless
The story behind the Vodafone Wireless Innovation Project winners’ trophy