ColdTrace: Wireless Vaccine Monitoring
Low-cost wireless sensor to remotely monitor vaccines and transfers data to a global database to help ensure life-saving treatments to reach everyone. more

MoboSens: Mobile Water Sensor
An affordable, handheld water quality sensor on mobile phones that anyone can use. more

G-Fresnel Cell-phone Spectrometer
Affordable and accessible spectrometer integrated within a mobile phone, which can be used for health, medical diagnostic, environmental monitoring and science. more

Meet the Winners
2013 Winner ColdTrace: Wireless Vaccine Monitoring Nithya Ramanathan President & Founder 2013 Winner ColdTrace: Wireless Vaccine Monitoring Martin Lukac CTO 2013 Winner MoboSens – Mobile Water Sensor Logan Liu Assistant Professor 2013 Winner MoboSens – Mobile Water Sensor Tristan Wietsma Informatics Scientist 2013 Winner MoboSens – Mobile Water Sensor Manas Ranjan Gartia Ph.D. Candidate 2013 Winner G-Fresnel Cell-phone Spectrometer Zhiwen Liu Associate Professor 2013 Winner G-Fresnel Cell-phone Spectrometer Perry S. Edwards Ph.D. student 2013 Winner G-Fresnel Cell-phone Spectrometer Chuan Yang Ph.D. Candidate

From Wired to Wireless
The story behind the Vodafone Wireless Innovation Project winners’ trophy