Team members: Aneri Pradhan, Eric Obeysekare
A simple and intuitive accounting and business management application for financially illiterate micro-entrepreneurs, optimizing operation in hard-to-reach environments and poor data areas. This mobile tool helps micro-finance Institutions assess, manage and track the performance of their portfolio, thereby extends financial inclusion for the underserved.
Project Site: http://www.envisionmobile.co
Meet the Winners
2018 Winner SMART: Sickle and Malaria Accurate Remote Testing Patti White Hemex Health & Case Western University 2018 Winner SMART: Sickle and Malaria Accurate Remote Testing Umut Gurkan Hemex Health & Case Western University 2018 Winner cerVIA Ritish Patnaik cerVIA 2018 Winner cerVIA Brandon Wilson cerVIA 2018 Winner ENVision Aneri Pradhan ENVenture 2018 Winner ENVision Eric Obeysekare ENVenture
From Wired to Wireless
The story behind the Vodafone Wireless Innovation Project winners’ trophy