University of California, San Francisco
Team members: Larry Rand, MD; Mozziyar Etemadi, MS; Shuvo Roy, PhD
The SMART Diaphragm is a wireless monitoring and early warning system for high-risk pregnancies that can be cheaply and easily administered by a patient. Around the world, one in ten babies are born prematurely, leading to death and lifelong disabilities. Pre-term labor, however, is often preventable or can be delayed with early detection and treatment. The SMART Diaphragm detects decreasing levels of collagen in the cervix—an indicator of impending pre-term labor—with results transmitted to a cloud database monitored by physicians.
In addition to the Vodafone Americas Foundation Wireless Innovation Project™ prize, as the winner of the mHealth Alliance Award, SMART Diaphragm also will receive prizes worth $50,000, including strategic and networking assistance from the mHealth Alliance.
Meet the Winners
2011 Winner NETRA Ramesh Raskar team member 2011 Winner NETRA David Schafran team member 2011 Winner SMART Diaphragm Larry Rand team member 2011 Winner SMART Diaphragm Mozziyar Etemadi team member 2011 Winner Cool Comply Aya Caldwell team member 2011 Winner Cool Comply Anna Young team member 2011 Winner Cool Comply Kristian Olson team member
From Wired to Wireless
The story behind the Vodafone Wireless Innovation Project winners’ trophy