
Why Mobile Health Tech Will Loom Large in 2015

Mobile healthcare applications for the iPhone and Android—for tracking one’s fitness, prescriptions and doctors’ appointments—are expected to be the biggest medical technology trend in 2015, physicians and other experts told


Startup Turns Smartphone into Cervical Cancer Detector

MobileODT, an Israeli tech company, has unveiled the latest advance in mobile medicine. It’s a smartphone-fitted colposcope aimed at developing countries like Kenya, Rwanda and Haiti, desperate for cheap ways of detecting cervical cancer, a major killer in these places.


Educational Games for Malaria Diagnosis

Crowdsourcing of complex tasks to expert and nonexpert populations has emerged as a powerful tool to solve intricate or time-consuming problems by merging individual human responses through statistical analysis. Recently, we introduced a gaming-based crowdsourcing platform—BioGames—for distributed biomedical image analysis and diagnosis.
